Oil Level Check Window Poped up!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter DesertFox
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I bougth a '94 GS model a week ago. I'm experiencing it and i found it great. Had few minor problems, like fuel floater and passanger seat lock broken, but it's all under warranty.
Yesterday nigth i decided to park it on my garage but very few METERS after started moving i 've heard a loud noise. Stopped and checked that it was pouring oil, a lot.
I've stopped the engine and saw the oil check window on the tarmac....it jumped!!!

How come this happened??
Could it be because of bad O-ring?? Extra pressure inside engine?

please help me.

SPoke to my BMW dealer and he said it happened once with one guy that had too much oil on the engine!!!!

Gosh....and the window comes out ??? When i have too much oil on my KTM it comes up to the air box where a transparent ....stuff... shows me the presence of oil!!!

But he is not the mechanic....as soon as i get the real cause of the problem i'll post it!!!
Meanwhile if you have any idea of what it could be....i'd apreciatte a reply!

thanxs again

I think that you may need one of these:


  • 1981 yamaha dt175mx1.jpg
    1981 yamaha dt175mx1.jpg
    140.1 KB · Views: 245
Re: Sight-glass-holder-in-er

Greg Masters said:
I think that you may need one of these:


that's an interesting looking "monocle". Where did you come by that? Seems like a good idea to me.

Re: Re: Sight-glass-holder-in-er

scurrell said:

that's an interesting looking "monocle". Where did you come by that?

I was afraid that if I posted the picture someone would ask that question. I picked up the image three or four years ago. I think that the monocle is a Japanese product, but I have no idea where you could buy it.


Re: Re: Re: Sight-glass-holder-in-er

Greg Masters said:

I was afraid that if I posted the picture someone would ask that question. I picked up the image three or four years ago. I think that the monocle is a Japanese product, but I have no idea where you could buy it.

Sounds like a job for he of the "Nodding Donkey". You listening Andy?


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