Pannier locking mechanism


One of the locking clamps inside my bmw plastic panniers seems to have dislocated itself with the outside locking handle. It just hangs loose - is this terminal or is it possible to open up the locking mechanism (looks rivetted...) and service/fix it?

Any advise appreciated


Yes it most probably is terminal because BMW boxes are just CRAP............

Do the decent thing and get some Givi ones !..............

Two of my mates have got the BMW ones and they have both had trouble with the chocolate locking Mechanism............;) ;)
is this terminal or is it possible to open up the locking mechanism (looks rivetted...) and service/fix it?

Mines done the same, it's terminal. You can drill the rivettes but a new mech will cost you as much as a new pannier!

I've just tappped mine up so it just uses the one clamp. and have a rather neat quilk release strap I put round the case for added security.

Mine sheared due to using the closing handle as a lever to help close a fully stuffed case. (dont do this)
THX for replies... I thought it might be bolloxed!

Mine sheared due to using the closing handle as a lever to help close a fully stuffed case. (dont do this)


Check out For Sale - I've got 3, including a spare that you can hack about with cheaper than the other 2. Make me an offer

e-mail me if you're interested -

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