Petrol in the left lobe


Registered user
May 6, 2008
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As I understand it, the petrol in the lower part of the left lobe of my '99 R1150GS' petrol tank cannot be accessed byt the pump / feed. Seems like a bit of a waste - carrying it around & not being able to use it (unless you tip the bike on its side, I guess).

Has anyone resolved this, perhaps by installing a balancing tube or something? Or is this just a bit of a "that model's like that" sort of thing?
There are various threads on the topic. heres One.

The best solution was a syphon that used a T piece so the fuel pump automatically re-primed the syphon if the tank ran dry - I think it was a ADVrider link, but I can't find it :nenau
Don't do any mods. Its a great way to never run out of fuel. Saved me 3 times in 70000 Kms...:thumb

Yep, saved me couple of times as well on stock 24L tank. Just lay the bike down on the r/h side lift it up again and you have around 25-35km more fuel to ride to the nearest fuel station. :thumb2

Pity I have ADV tank now, it has a crosspipe, so if it's empty, yer empty :eek:
Just lay the bike down on the r/h side lift it up again and you have around 25-35km more fuel to ride to the nearest fuel station. :thumb2

Yeah, its a very old trick that I have had occasion to use on my T140VJ. I carry a 1 litre fuel bottle on long trips now.

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