Positive battery terminal removal


Registered user
Nov 4, 2008
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This is not funny - I feel a complete twat :( as in the charming 16th century verse:

They talk't of his having a Cardinalls Hat
They'd send him as soon an Old Nuns Twat

Here is the rub. I bought an Optimate 4 to keep the battery fully charged and to avoid being tempted out on icy and salty roads to do the same thing.

I used the Optimate lead's crocodile clips connected to the battery and the whole system works a treat. Now I want to follow the advice given on this board and hard-wire the waterproof cable/plug combo that comes in the kit to allow seat-on charging with the waterproof plug cable-tied to the bike.

So screwdriver in hand, I approached the job in a methodical way and realised that I had no idea at all what holds the positive battery terminal cover in place. All I can see is that it doesn't look like a screw. :confused:

My plan was to undo the positive terminal and keep the connector in contact manually whilst fitting the Optimate positive lead. Then do the same thing with the negative terminal. That should avoid having to reset anything I think. But if I can't undo the positive terminal, my cleverly thought-out plan falls apart.

So what's the way to do it? :nenau
Your be needing a T25 Torx bit, if you have trouble find one Halfords sale them.
Hope this helps you
Thanks Fanum for the excellent advice - yes, riding the darned thing - should have thought of that one myself. :blast Anyhow, the rain forecast for the start of next week should wash the crap away and the normal service can be resumed.

Rattler, thanks for the info about the T25 Torx driver. Now that is properly helpful :beerjug:
Not sure what bike you're on oldrascal, but the necessary bit is in the toolkit on my 08 GS... must admit I stood and looked at for a bit myself. And I just disconnected both terminals, fitted the cable and reconnected - only thing to reset was the time on the clock...
Not sure what bike you're on oldrascal, but the necessary bit is in the toolkit on my 08 GS... must admit I stood and looked at for a bit myself. And I just disconnected both terminals, fitted the cable and reconnected - only thing to reset was the time on the clock...

Careful, you will have to describe what a toolkit is and where you can find it next...

oh the same is true for the 06 GSA too
Those battery connections are darned stupid. Torx for the positive connection, and a posidrive screwdriver for the negative. Two tools needed to wire something to the battery. What idjut thought of that ?

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