Rallye GS 2 boots


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Apr 1, 2007
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Im thinking about buying a pair of BMW RALLYE GS 2 BOOTS and i was wondering if any of you have had any of these and would be greatfull for any feedback.
Thanks in advance:beerjug:
I have a pair of the original ones. The buckle fastners are a pain, one across the top of the foot/bottom of the leg faces the wrong way, is forever snagging, coming undone, disaperaring into the undergrowth etc. For this reason alone I wouldnt recommend the originals. Dont know if the '2' version solved this problem or not.
I had a pair of the "2" boots, wore them a couple of times, and then they gathered dust for a while before selling them on here. If you are going off road, then maybe they will be great, but, if most of your riding is on the tarmac, I wouldn’t bother. I lost all feel of the bike with them on and lost most of the use of ther rear brake. I thought they looked good though.

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