Ramadan affecting touring Oct/Nov?


Hi all,

I'm starting to plan my trip around Lebanon, Syria, Turkey & Iran in Oct/Nov and wondered if Ramadan (15 Oct for one month) will cause big problems?

Should it really put me off? :(

Thanks again

That is true Gecko, but they'll also be no one to serve it to me.... :(

I just wondered if these countries ground to a halt over this period, especially at the tourist sites. Any other gems my little lizard? :D
I've never been out there myself but I have done business with the middle east over the years and the Ramadam doesn't seem to change anything. It's only they don't eat between sunrise and sunset and there probably is a bit more praying to Mecca but otherwise it's a bit like 'Lent' is/was for the catholics. Trade and commerce still carry on and westerners will still be able to eat but you would be wise to be discreet and respect their customs especially during their 'holy month'.
Failing that - there is bound to be a McDonalds out there that will completely blow my theory out the water and will be full of happy little Mohammeds munching down their quarter pounder cheese burgers .......:rolleyes:
I know it's not on your list but I've been to Egypt for the last 8 years, sometimes catching Ramadan.

It's never been any sort of problem.

The ban on eating, drinking (anything other than water) and smoking, doesn't apply to non-believers. Those that do follow Islam are not precluded from preparing or serving food to others and all the shops, cafes, bars and eating establishments seem to operate as usual.

It's also worth being there for the festival of Id that celebrates the end of Ramadan.

I imagine that the Lebanon and Turkey will be more or less the same as Egypt. The Lebanon in particular has a very large non-muslim population anyway.
Thanks again for the replies guys. I live in Dubai and have experienced Ramadan here. My main concern is visiting the tourist attractions i.e. will Ramadan affect their opening.

Don't think there's a McDonalds in Iran though :)

Gotter; Egypt next year I think



Edited due spellink misteak

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