Removing a Lamder plug


Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Mar 22, 2003
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Dubai / London.
I have just received my shiney and new remus y and can.

Last night I had a little investigation and struggled to see how to get the spanner aroung the lamber probe.

Your advice (and even a short summary of the change over of OE to Remus )would be appreciated and will avoid silly hours in the garage this evening.

Many thanks, Nick

Safest way is to move the Tank back on the frame (there's no need to take it off) so that you can disconnect the Lamda from the Wiring loom then slip the Spanner over the cable.

Just get a block of wood or similar to rest the rear of Tank on on top of the Battery.

That way you don't need to try an open ended and end up with rounded flats.

Plus there is no chance of twisting the cable and possibly breaking it internally.

It's easy to trace/follow the cable from the sensor to the loom on the right hand side.

A bit of advice, put easing oil/fluid on the sensor overnight, it will be VERY tight if the Bike has covered a few miles!:(

Just take your's a piece off Pish !!;)



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