Screen modifications


Registered user
Dec 23, 2006
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South Cheshire, England
Having given up on the standard screen I've bought a used one to cut down to make a flyscreen. Has anyone out there any experience of this, either with the hieght of the finished product or how to cut the screen without trashing it.
I cut mine with a dremel and a cutting disc, you need to take your time as the plastic melts and grabs the blade, the edges can then be trimmed with a knife and then sanded.
Tape up the area you want to cut with masking tape, then mark the cut. Cut with a fine hachsaw blade or fret saw, then file the edges with a file. Take off the remaining masking tape and you should have a nice cut.
Less is more. I fitted a Wunderlich Flowjet which works pretty well although 80+mph isn't particularly comfortable.
Having given up on the standard screen I've bought a used one to cut down to make a flyscreen. Has anyone out there any experience of this, either with the hieght of the finished product or how to cut the screen without trashing it.

I have cut polycarbonte with a standard electric jig saw, it worked fine and gave a good finish without any heat problems.
I bought a cockpit screen from Nippy Normans and tried that for a while. It looked brilliant, and obviously no buffeting. However, the faster I rode, the more I had to bend forward to save my head being ripped off backwards. Bending forwards bought my head into the turbulant air being blown up over the clocks. Triple digit speeds need neck muscles like Swazenegger which I haven't got.
Less screen = less noise = less buffeting until you get over 70...
Tape up the area you want to cut with masking tape, then mark the cut. Cut with a fine hachsaw blade or fret saw, then file the edges with a file. Take off the remaining masking tape and you should have a nice cut.
As he said, mask off whole screen, mark cut line and cut with a NEW blade in a coping saw, cut slowly, and don't loose your rag when it grips the plastic :blast
I managed to find a brand new screen for pennies last year so I had a play with my old one.

Very easy to cut & file smooth.

I only used the screen for 1 outing & took some photos. It's been in the loft ever since! :augie


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