seat release lock


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UKGSer Subscriber
Aug 16, 2003
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seat release lock for my 1100

Anyone had to replace the above, been camping & some t**t seems to have damaged the lock, is it easy to replace and does anyone have any tips.

Not sure what this country is coming to the other day some other t**t tried to break into my outbuildings.


Whats actually damaged -

The lock.
The lock holder.
The seat lock bracket .
It the lock holder, it can be moved around, which then means that when i put the key in the lock it does not have the lock spring feel, it just turns, Does that makes any sense.

I cannot release the tool lid and the front seat.


On the 1150's the lock fits into a socket behind it which as the lock turns moves the lever and does the bis. Take of the little cover at the back of the lock (two small screws ) and pull the lock away. Stick a screwdriver in the "socket bit" and unlock the seat etc. I had to do this to mine whilst away as it got full of crap, (dalton highway) when I got home I took the whole lot to bits (load of rubbish) cleaned it, oiled it and all is now well.
When you take the actual operating arm assembly out whatch out for the little spring if you see it flying through the air see where it goes. I dident
and thought "new lock" had a cup of tea before going and saw it on the floor! now all back together. bit fiddly but thats all it will be.
dave gs.
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I have a special tool that takes out the GS lock barrels undamaged in less than 5 seconds. I've shown a few people on here at GS events just how easy it is on their bikes . :eek:
I have a special tool that takes out the GS lock barrels undamaged in less than 5 seconds. I've shown a few people on here at GS events just how easy it is on their bikes . :eek:

He wants it fixed Neil, not taken out with a cordless :rolleyes:
Thanks for the info everyone, will try Daves way of doing first, if it doesnt work will look out. Neil whats your special tool!!



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