South Spain Dec 2007


Registered user
Jun 18, 2007
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Galway Ireland
On a tour with 2 rented R1200GS out of Sevilla.
Seville to Luz to Gibraltar.
We were up the Sierra Nevada today, light snow.
Now in Granada.
Weather has been bad, rain and high winds but not bothered still lots of fun.
Tempreture is 15c
Bikes are great I have a 2007 with ASC.
Got a chance to evaluate my TOUR CROSS helmet.
Works a treat, no problem with high winds ro high sppeeds I am not aware of the peak. Helmet is quiet, only problem is the visor is difficult to wipe.
Hi PatZX12,

I lived in Sevilla for a while (too) many years ago and can imagine you must be having a great time.

Where did you hire the bikes from and for how much ?
BMW moto rental. They supply the bikes from BMW main dealers including the US.
euro 850 for a week with full insurance cover.
A very profesional outfit.
We stayed in Seville last nite. Today we did the run to Ronda and down to San Pedro to Fuengirola.
Heavy rain all the way a waste doing one of the worlds best roads at 50mph but still good fun.
I will have xmas here and then head for Cartagena to check out the track day lads, I did a 5 day track day there about 3 xmas ago.
I dont think they have had a wet xmas around here for years.
Bike has been perfect, makes me wonder why I need an Adventure when the stock GS is so capable. I do have a standard R1200GS as well but I dont use it for touring now.
I am considering selling my 2 bikes and getting a new one.
I may go for the standard GS I will have to think about it.
Floods in San Pedro last night :blast Just got a call from a mate & his house had a stream run through it. Ah well at least the pool wont need topping up for when we head out.

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