Starting Problems


Maximum Mayhem
UKGSer Subscriber
Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
Hi All,
I'd appreciate second opinions before I buy a new battery, please. The bike is a 2000, w-reg, 1150GS. I think the battery is on the way out because:
If I leave it over night on either an Optimate or a CTEK trickle charger, it starts fine.
If I go for a long ride, stop for a while, it starts fine.
If I do several short journeys, it struggles to start and you can hear the starter solenoid clicking.
When it's running there's approx 14 volts at the battery so I know the alternator's ok.
You can hear the solenoid in the video and, once running, you can see the voltage rise to just under 14v.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="">
What a novel way to demonstrate a fault....:thumb

I assume you have the meter connected across the battery terminals, in which case new battery required.
You could take it to a local garage & do a load test just to confirm....:nenau
Yes, sorry forgot to mention that; the meter is across the battery terminals (via the trickle charger fly-lead).
Ongoing Saga

Well I replaced the battery with a genuine BMW Gel Cell: no difference.
I had a look at the starter motor & solenoid and decided the terminals were a bit corroded so I removed it to clean them up. I found that the post with the positive lead on spun round when I tried to undo it. That must be the problem I thought, so replaced it with a recon' unit: still no bloody difference.
I took the lid off the relay under the seat and saw that it "chatters" when I press the starter button, but if I just lightly press the contacts together by hand (even with lights, indicators, heated grips all on) it spins over and starts, no problem whatsoever.
So, I think it could be either the relay, the starter button on the handlebars or maybe the wiring between the two.
Has anyone managed to get the handle switch gear fully apart without destroying it? If so, how? I want to have a look at the contacts in the starter button to see if they are the cause.
Many thanks,
(getting frustrated) Mick

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