Stebel Nautilus on 2008 R1200GS


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UKGSer Subscriber
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Bangor, County Down
Having used a Nautilus on my previous two boxers, I wanted one on my new bike as well. Reading through the search results here I realised that things might be a bit more difficult than on the R850R.

Anyway, I ordered a CANBUS link from Nippy Norman and set to work with the Nautilus off my old bike. Steptoe had done a great job wiring up the relay; I simply unplugged everything and reconnected the OEM horn.

Looking for a suitable mounting position for the Nautilus on the GS I decided to check whether the Stebel would in fact fit to the OEM mounting bracket. Surprise: it does! I changed the angle a tiny bit but didn't have to bend anything. Clearance is A-OK: nothing touches, nothing fouls.

The OEM metal mounting strip is a bit wobbly but in six weeks and 1,500m nothing has moved. I might fabricate a stronger one when I find the time.

The only tricky bit was the CANBUS connection to the horn: it IS polarity sensitive, so if it only quacks like a sick duck rather than sounding like a fog horn, the wires to the horn need to be swapped. No prizes for guessing how I know that...

I used a 20amp fuse and fixed the relay to the frame with a cable tie. No wires were cut and I used connectors where necessary so the bike can easily be returned to its original condition.

Pictures here: (haven't figured out the file size limit for photos on this site yet...)

Hope this helps!

Ride safe,
I tried that Achim but couldn't get it right as you appear to have done. Plus the fact Stebel make a big thing about the compressor being near vertical led me to bin the idea until I saw Thoriums post about splitting the thing.
Shenzi, I'm about to go off on a bike trip to the Peak District. If you send me a PM with your landline phone number I'd be happy to give you a call late next week to walk you through the installation.
Would it work with an ESA 08 1200GS ?

I'm not sure how much extra space the ESA requires but where I have now mounted the horn probably isn't anywhere near anything ESA-related...

Since my original post I have had to replace my five-year old Nautilus with a new one, the old one conking out after being mounted on three different bikes. The new unit, although it looked exactly the same, for some reason didn't fit and fouled the right fork leg when mounted in place of the original horn with the original mounting bracket.

I had a local metal fabricator make up a stainless steel bracket which I fixed to a different mounting point a bit higher up than the standard bracket (I left the original horn in place). The Nautilus now is now mounted exactly as required by Stebel and clears the fork legs. Result!:bounce1

PM me if you want pictures (can't get the macro pix compressed enough without losing resolution).

Never saw your answer, sorry. Any chance that you post your pictures here ? I know, I should subscribe again... :augie
Never saw your answer, sorry. Any chance that you post your pictures here ? I know, I should subscribe again... :augie

I'm switching ISPs at the moment (Virgin has been utterly useless and dropped our connection four times in the last three months, taking over a week each time to restore it) and the Vodafone 3G broadband dongle I bought as a back-up is VERY slow, so you'll have to wait until I'm again broadband-endabled.


PS: yes, you should subscribe :thumb

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