Stiff throttle


The throttle action is very stiff on my GS and I think I've narrowed it down to the throttle box/cable splitter under the tank.

Question - Are there any servicable parts in it or does it mean a new throttle box?

You may have tried this obvious one already but the throttle on my previous 1100 GS became very stiff & kept sticking slightly on - quick word from Steve at Rainbow sorted it, loosen the screws holding the twistgrip to the bars & move the body of the twistgrip, only fractionally, further onto the bar. Hey presto, problem solved - maybe your problem aint so easy to fix but one can hope!

Thx for reply but yes I've tried that...
weird thing is that the throttle return is quick and smooth but winding it on is very stiff. Something in the splitter box seems to work one way but not the other..?

Scootfast said:
Thx for reply but yes I've tried that...
weird thing is that the throttle return is quick and smooth but winding it on is very stiff. Something in the splitter box seems to work one way but not the other..?

In that case definately sounds as if your throttle cable is about to go! It is most likely frayed at the box allowing action in one direction and 'hooking' in the other. Needs immediate attention otherwise throttle can stick open and stick you in it! There was some recent discussion on the GSpot AdvRider site recently about similar problem - go search.
clean splitter box

Yes, you can dissassemble the splitter box and clean it. Then spray it with a DRY Teflon spray. Wurth brand is the right stuff.

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