Streaky Side Panel


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UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 22, 2004
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Anybody noticed a streaky (vertical) silver side panel on their 12GS??

I've tried waxing and Mr Sheen, but the streaks remain. I'm a bit loathed to T-Cut at this stage and was wondering whether this was normal:confused:
I'll take the lack of response as a no:D

Time to do a bit more polishing then.
GSmonkey said:
Anybody noticed a streaky (vertical) silver side panel on their 12GS??

I've tried waxing and Mr Sheen, but the streaks remain. I'm a bit loathed to T-Cut at this stage and was wondering whether this was normal:confused:

I used Autoglym to remove similar marks and they have not reappeared so I guess it worked. I think it needs a layer of pollish to keep the marks off. Don't use T cut until you've tried something less abrasive first.:)

I've noticed this when I first got my 12. I got a tank cover.
I REALLY wouldn't use T-cut cos it's abrasive and I think that's a brushed aluminium panel.
I have not seen the problem you mention , but the alloy side panels do seem to take fingermarks and other greasy type stains easily, which are not that easy to clean off.
Did I read somewhere that you use 'muc off' spray to clean your bike ? Could this be causing you grief? Just a thought.
Cestria said:

Did I read somewhere that you use 'muc off' spray to clean your bike ? Could this be causing you grief? Just a thought.
I don't think this is the cause, as they were there when I got it from the dealers. Thought that just a layer of wax would take them off.

Is this a metal panel?? Just looks / feels like coloured plastic to me.

Looks like a bit more waxing. Maybe get myself some autoglym, as I currently use bog standard turtlewax.
Re: NNNoooooooooo!!!

Dinger said:
I REALLY wouldn't use T-cut cos it's abrasive and I think that's a brushed aluminium panel.
Not keen on doing this myself, its a last resort. Normally only T-cut my bike prior to sale to cover those nasty scratches:D
GSmonkey said:
I don't think this is the cause, as they were there when I got it from the dealers. Thought that just a layer of wax would take them off.

Is this a metal panel?? Just looks / feels like coloured plastic to me.

Looks like a bit more waxing. Maybe get myself some autoglym, as I currently use bog standard turtlewax.

If you're talking about the silver tank covers I believe they are brushed aluminium(They'll feel cold compared with the plastic side panels).

Go easy with any polish as most are slightly abrasive, some more than others. You could also try something like WD40 as a fine oil will remove some marks.
andy1200 said:
Probably comes from taking those jumps too fast.
Could be......I get decent air off the numerous sleeping policemen I have to negotiate on the way to work:D

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