System pannier heat insulation ?


Registered user
Jul 12, 2007
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Hi fellow tossers,
Scuse my ignorance but I recently bought some heat insulation from motorworks, to fit to the LH system pannier of my 1150GS.

My stupid question is: where abouts on the pannier does one fit it ?
1.) Is it where the exhaust silencer body comes close to the pannier cut-out ?

2.) behind where the exhaust gasses exit the silencer ?

3.) neither of the above

PS I have standard exhaust, cat & silencer.

Thanks in advance for any replies

I would think that you should mount the LH pannier on the bike and mark out to locate the heat shield material - centred on the point at which the silencer is closest to the pannier.

I think with those panniers - it is radiated heat and not exhaust gas impingement that is the problem.

Al :thumb2
I ran system panniers along with a standard can for several years including trips to Southern Europe where it was pretty hot (high 30s C) and never had an issue with heat effecting the panniers. Don't knowif anyone else has had a different experience

I had the same dilema. I was expecting a much larger piece of insulation!

I mounted the pannier and stuck the insulation at the bottom bit of the pannier (sort of nearest the underside of the silencer) as that was the only place where the the metal heat shield on the standard exhaust isnt between the exhaust and the pannier.

I figured that the metal heat shield on the silencer was there for a reason so just covered the bit of the pannier that was covered by it.
System panniers

I hav'nt had a problem yet over the last 4yrs but others have, rear bottom corner melting. So i put some adhesive aluminium foil on the vunerable area.
The problem may occur on high mileage trips on 30 degree plus days.
Worth fitting a heat shield.
you should buy exhaust heat insulation from a car shop - big 3ft square sheet about 7 quid. :D
Gas mark 10!

Never had a problem with pannier cooking until I did about 200 miles in monsoon intensity rain. When I got home I found that my pannier had been broiled!.....I reckon the water had been gathering and running off there and the exhaust gas heat had been continualy boiling the water and creating the strange pooling effect in the plastic of the pannier see piccy....


So I made up a sheet of thin ally to cover the area and spaced it off the surface of the pannier by 5mm to give an insulating air gap....



Ever since no melting problems at all.

Safe riding and reduced cooking


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