hi, i used to have a baglux tank cover on my 955 tiger and have seen similar on ebay to fit my gs, has anyone used one on a 1200 if so what do they fit like and would you reccomend? i have a bagster tank bag that i am told will hook straight on so am on the verge of getting one
Similar to you, I had one on my Sprint ST and have bag and map case to spare. So I bought a colour-coded cover through Nippy Norman and fitted it the other week.
Fitting is fine - including the screw-through bits on the top, front left and right. The only thing I don't like is the top left and right strap buckles that seem to be in the wrong place - function OK but a bit ugly.
Fit was the usual - keep nipping up the straps as the cover settles and stretches over a couple of weeks.