Teesside and beyond


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UKGSer Subscriber
Jan 3, 2002
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North Yorkshire - but the map isn't the territory
Here are a few pics from the Redcar ride-out. Dave did an excellent job of showing us much of what a lot of folk would perhaps not contemplate going to see – which would be short-sighted.
The Transporter Bridge was running (James couldn’t understand why his brakes wouldn’t stop it) and we got to see wonders from historic quaysides to molten steel to WW1 listening devices and the finale of the fantastic display of pavement diving by the local drunks on way home – I haven’t seen anything so funny in ages. I have always wanted to see a Bee-Eater, and at Dave’s I was astonished to sight one in his back garden………..I always thought it was a bird not a large shaggy dog – Dave, how exactly do you pollinate your flowers ? Local beekeepers have the garden marked as a no-fly zone with due reason. Good day out, cheers Dave.


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