Tomtom Go GPS


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Feb 21, 2003
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Spent a while admiring a friends Tomtom Go GPS this afternoon. Good points were; It was small, light, with a largish display and it was very quick to boot, calculate routes and re draw. The display responded to the lightest touch while going through the various menu options, and the 3D display looked very good *except* it was quite washed out in his van, possibly due to its very shiny screen and the bright sunshine outside. Not good.

I won’t say how much he paid those “robin redbreasts” at PC World for it, but 5 minutes on the Internet could save you over £100
I've got one myself and it is absolutely fantastic in the car and for the price a veritable bargain.

Shame I can't get a bike mount for it and that it isn't waterproof though I am looking at a way to mount it on my 1200 with some sort of waterproof bag/cover over it :)
Cardiff said:
I've got one myself and it is absolutely fantastic in the car and for the price a veritable bargain.

Shame I can't get a bike mount for it and that it isn't waterproof though I am looking at a way to mount it on my 1200 with some sort of waterproof bag/cover over it :)

Try Otterbox as their PDA box may be able to provide waterproofing
Cardiff said:
I've got one myself and it is absolutely fantastic in the car and for the price a veritable bargain.

Shame I can't get a bike mount for it and that it isn't waterproof though I am looking at a way to mount it on my 1200 with some sort of waterproof bag/cover over it :)

You could also try modifying an Ortlieb document wallet . These are waterproof, and clear, but I don't know whether these will be big enough. Check your nearest outdoor shop for one.

Have just installed an Otterbox 3600 with RAM mount onto my GS Adv and have been using it all week with my iPaq 2210 and TomTom Navigator 3 GPS and my iPod - what a fantastic piece of kit!!! I cannot rate it more highly for users of PDA's and the like who want a totally waterproof solution rather than forking out for Garmin.

And you can plug in power cables without compromising the waterproofness.

I thoroughly recommend it. I Got mine from a company called Rugged Peak in Essex. They had them in stock. Paid about £94 in total.

Although it is big, it isn't obtrusive and in black/grey co-ordinates well with my bike's colour. You should see the looks car drivers give you when they see it on!!

I hope to get a picture on here in the next couple of days so that you can all drool over it.
TOMTOM GO on a bike... Its been done.

Suggest you take a look at , then go to customer gallery. A retired engineer, Patrick Power, with time on his hands has done it for a Yamaha. He used a RAM-B-149 and shows you step by step with images how he did it.

As to waterproofing, for a useful but cheap & cheerful option, take look at who mounted a pda and used a plastic zip bag (scroll down the review).



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