TT Rider V1 off ebay or new V2??

  • Thread starter Thread starter maver
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ok, what do i go for, a used tom tom rider v1 off fleabay or bite the bullet and buy a new rider V2 or do i avoid tom tom altogether and get a garmin???

was it just charger pins wearing on the cradle or were there more issues (like software) with the TT rider V1? does the V2 resolve these issues??

I'm as confused as you as I am looking for a SatNav. I have used a TT in my car but never a Garmin. There are pros and cons for them both and it all depends on what you want to do with it. I am finding all the Garmin models confusing as my budget range opens me up to ones a good few years old.
However, I don't think I would go for the TT v1 as I have heard stores about the mounts, poor electrical connections and not having a security strap in the early days which can/have been cured.
Think I would save up and go for the TT v2 but there again ...
Hi Maver,
I went for a new TT V2 and I'm really pleased with it, I'd definitely recommend it.
I've not used a 'road' type Garmin but I've had a GPSmap 76S for many years now and that's been good ie: reliable, no problems.

I have a tt for the car but use an old 2610 for the bike and have to say I much prefer it, I like the fact that I can down load routes from the computer which I cant with the tt. And overall I think I prefer the software, If I had the money I would go for one of the later models with the same shell format 28 xx.
i like the look of the becker crockodile but cant locate one in england
ha, got one, :thumb
report soon:D

mmmm intereseting.....

please let us know what comes in the box, (whether you need to buy a handlebar mount, home charger etc and how that price compares with the TT rider V2)

and obviously feedback on how it actually performs!
If you get a TT Rider One - get Touratech mount for it. They are brilliant, and more importantly, without it you will be chucking your SatNav in the bin within 3 months ....:mcgun:mcgun:mcgun
To plan routes for your TomTom using Google Maps I can recommend ITN converter. I don't have a Rider myself but have created routes for friends that do and they have been pleased with the results.

ITN Converter can load MS AutoRoute files, Garmin GDB files, GPX files and quite a few other formats. Very handy for sharing routes with fellow riders.
I have a TomTom rider version 2.Used to to tour Spain this year in conjunction with the scala bluetooth headset.We covered 2279 miles in seven days on my Harley Softale and it was worth every penny.Even though the I had to send it back to TT when I got home as it wasnt charging on the bike.They were pretty good and fixed it with no qualms.They kept sending me RAM monting kits for the version1 for some unknown reason lol so know I have loads of mounts but not enough bikes hehe.
Your profile suggests that its for use on a Vespa GTS 250 so the mounting of any such device is likely to on the LHS mirror stem with a short arm mount with shim, so RAM-B-149ZA .. not like some twonk who wanted it located around his knees so it wouldn't be stolen, completely ignoring that he was looking down at a screen and ignoring the road and conditions around him :nenau .

What's yer budget? I get ask to mount various devices on scoots, from a TT One or Garmin Nuvi at the entry level (based on low price) and our weather/rain is not considered.

You'll also find divided thoughts among the forums whether to choose a Garmin or a TomTom, that said its your money, so its your choice.

If its a TT Rider Ver1 then use the mount kit already mentioned and stay with the TT Rider 1 cradle, yes there were with Rider V1 cradles which has two releases of it. Egon from this site made a clip to secure it and replacement TT Rider Ver1 cradles can be sourced *new* from The Touratech cradle frame may be a tad too large to fit on yer scoot and it still uses the TT Rider connector parts to form part the finished cradle.

TT Rider Ver2 has a mount in the box and the only change here would be to use RAM-B-231Z (has shim included) and anchor onto the scoot LHS mirror stem arm then use arm, square base plate and cradle in the box.

tom tom rider v2:D

going to sort the mount onto the LH mirror stem, will post some pics when it's done in the remote chance another GTs rider checks this site out:D

thanks for your help all of you:beerjug:

still intersested in the beckler crocodile sat nav for a mate so feedback very welcome:thumb

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