Tubes in TKC 80's

Ill Phil

I have read the recent thread on TKC 80's and have now decided to fit a pair before I set off for W. Sahara in two weeks time, as opposed to carrying them down -I was originally concerned about wearing them out through France and Spain!- but I don't know whether they need tubes or not. I am being told to take spare tubes with me, so I am a bit confused. :nenau

Any info. would be appreciated.

The 1200GS runs tubeless tyres and my first rear TKC80 did 5300 miles before I decided it needed changing and that was only because I was going on a 2000 mile trip :augie
I wouldn't fit the tubes since it make punctures more difficult to repair, (take a TYRE PLUGGER kit) but I do carry them to Morocco in case they're needed if you split the sidewall etc.
It's Murphy's Law of course, if you take them you won't need them, if you don't you might:aidan

There are those on here who'll say they've never had that sort of problem, that's because they've been lucky. I've seen TKCs wrecked just riding around Welsh trails.

The most I get from a rear TKC is around 5,500 miles but could possibly get another 500 or so if really pushed.

Have a great trip:)
Tyres sorted

Thanks for the info. I now feel better prepared.
PK :bounce1
Take the tubes and fit them if you get a puncture that keeps leaking air after you've tried to repair it.
Take repair kit & tubes. It's all belt and braces.

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