Volt meter

  • Thread starter Thread starter desertfox
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Does any of you have set a volt meter on your 4 valve airheads ('94 R1100gs)?
Like the one r100gs use to have!!

If so, where did you get it, for how much, any problems, do you recommend, any pics, etc., etc....

The alternator on the R1100GS and later models is very powerful. Generally speaking, provided that the engine has been running, low-charge batteries don't really occur.

A voltmeter is not going to offer any usable information very often.

Really? good.

Sometimes my ABS fails. People say to me that's because my battery migth be out. I'd like to check that....
The old ABS problem!

Yes, this is as a result of low voltage when starting the bike. The usual fix is simply to ride a few kilometres along the road then stop the engine and restart. The ABS should be OK then.

I always use an Optimate on my bike when I'm not riding it. The battery is now over 4 years old and not only starts the bike OK, but the ABS doesn't fail either.



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