Not sure about that. Depends on the diameter at the foremost point of the side cover.
You can see from the picture that it fits flush to the intake, and is held by a large self-tapper directly into the intake, but stops a couple of inches short of the opening.
Best bet is to mail Boxer Designs and ask. They are very helpful, and reply very quickly.
I got mine from Fallert in Germany -
They took about 2 months to come, and cost me £220
You can now get them via Boxer Designs at and I think they're a lot cheaper than I paid.
Fixing is easy enough. The rear mountings have thread-headed bolts (technical term anyone?) which replace the fuse box mounting bolts. The front right has a threaded bracket which mounts to the forward plastic-cover mounting hole (the side cover replaces the black plastic cover). The new covers are then held on using small domed hex bolts which screw into the fuse-box mountings and the front cover bracket. The left front is held by a large self-tapper straight into the air intake funnel. The only problem I had was that I had to grind a bit out of the front of the right panel to clear the Wunderlich engine guard.