Well i see the new Autocoms are on the website

Deleted account 220427002

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Dec 27, 2003
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not much other than PDF's and nothing on the wireless at the mo

The credit crunch must not be hitting them ..wait till you see the price of the Super PRO Remote Control... but the remote control looks good:)
I really hope that they've moved ito the 21st century and that the new systems have modern headsets and mics rather than the current WWII ex-army surplus stuff all these intercom companys fob us off with.
I really hope that they've moved ito the 21st century and that the new systems have modern headsets and mics rather than the current WWII ex-army surplus stuff all these intercom companys fob us off with.

I have to say the Autocom speakers and mics work well... that would be one of things i think works well... they work in tough noisy conditions

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