Utter swollocks. What a shite excuse to spoil yet another good bike weekend.
I was at the Bulldog last year, and have been more than 7 times in the last 10 years, also been to the Rock and Blues too (I even wore my Bulldog bash T-Shirt from the Year B4
till me mate pointed it out halfway through the afternoon
) If memory serves me right I was even at the Kent Custom show back in 97 (where Rock Bitch performed the full uncensored show, yes I missed the Golden condom, but only by 1000 people
) I believe that they confiscated all manner of guns/rockets etc at that show as all the 'bike gangs' from Holland, Germany etc used to hop over the water to go for a fight and to beat each other senseless---Local Press alledged anyhow!
I have always said that if there is any bother I wouldn't go again, and so I still keep going when I can. If the rival gangs are going to kick off it would, I suspect, be when they can get a couple on there own, and not the full force of the Chapters at the Bash/ Rock and Blues/Welsh Bike show or Aber cafe
---not that I have ever seen those chapters at the Welsh show (a few wanna bees always pounce about trying to look the job, but are always sadly lacking.