Wheel builder


Registered user
Oct 13, 2002
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Isle of Wight
Does anyone know of a good motorcycle wheel builder in Dorest, Hampshire or Sussex?

Vic P.
bit far away but there is one in Cardiff

and a old boy in Ross-on-wye who supposed to be the dogs been doing it for about fifty years by all accounts.:D
is it for a 1150GS type wheel? I ask because I had some problems finding someone.
No, its not GS related. Its for a proposed Harley project. Looks like it will be Hagon after all. Just trying to find one a bit nearer.

Vic P.
Dont send it to Hagon

Phone sherlocks they have the number od a wheel builder just around the corner from them whose name and number I have forgottern

01769 574350. This guy is rekoned to be good and is the only person I have found who is willing to build GS wheels and supply ss spokes and nipples, not even motorworks does that.

Give it a shot if I am not to late.

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