Where are my Phone Numbers???


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Feb 27, 2008
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Hi guys, I have an N95 attached to my 500 via bluetooth, everything works fine, apart from I can't see any phone book or numbers to dial from my phone on the zumo, is it possible to get these on the zumo as I am left trying to remember numbers of which I have no chance, The voice dial function is hopeless for me, as I have a strong Scottish accent.

Cheers in advance...:beer:
I think it might depend on the phone settings rather than the Zumo's capabilities. I get my phone book up ok and it all works (I have a cheap Sony Ericsson phone).
Go into Phonebook, then Options, then Send, then Bluetooth. It will then give you an option of devices, choose the Zumo and that should be that!

The problem is the phone, with some (Motorolas for sure) the Zumo can access the phonebook automatically, not so with Nokias.

There's an option on the Zumo to do just nav info or phone book stuff to, isn't there? Or is that just to send stuff to Bluetooth headsets?
Follow Shenzi's instructions - unfortunately this is something you'd have to do every time you connect the N95 to the Zumo. I've spoken to Garmin about it and they say they'll look into it if enough people ask for it. I sent my phonebook the first few times but then it became a pain in the ass
phonebook fix

try this m8 worked for me hope it helps

What you will need to do is download a piece of software (Nokia 810 Contact Download Application for the N95) from the Nokia Website and install this onto the N95. This software will basically allow the phone to download the phonebook contents to your Nüvi.

You can find this software here: http://europe.nokia.com/A4143881

Once you have downloaded this you will need to use the supplied PC Suite to install the software onto your PC. Before you do this make sure that you delete any Bluetooth pairings on your phone and on the Nüvi itself. (So delete the zumo from your N95 and the N95 from your zumo). Once you have done this you can then install the software to your phone.
If for some reason you have not got the PC Suite software, you can download it from their website: http://www.nokia.co.uk/A4630249
Hi visor thanks for that, but I have been there.

The trouble with it is you have to unlock the phone first then do all the updates which is fine if you have the time to do so, I did try to unlock etc..but with no success. The frustration got the better of me so I got a new phone (A Nokia) which worked with no prob whatsoever. so am now happy. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me though, I have a had a few PM's from people asking if I crack it to get back to them so I will send them this way.
my phone is standard on 3g network which is locked to all other networks which worked for mr first time

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