Who Can Replace F/Drive input Seal?


Like Newton - only stupid
UKGSer Subscriber
May 1, 2002
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Clinging to reality by a finger tip.
I need to have a new seal fitted to the imput shaft on the bevel box.

Does anyone know of anyone who can do this for me other than a dealer?



I think this is one job that does require a special tool!! as it is held in by a retaining ring which I do believe is screwed in so most probably glued aswell so it mightl need heat also??.Don't think you have many options here,looks like it will have to be done at a dealers:( why not take the bevel off and just take that in,should take all of 30 mins to change,that will be £50 please.Andy
Thanks again Andy.

The Bevel box is off and I'm just looking for the cheapest option.

I'm sure I've read of someone who does work on bevel boxes, I just can't remember who.

I tried to change it myself only to find out you do require a special pipe socket to get the retaining ring off. Best to take it to a dealer as they don't charge the earth to change those. Is more expensive when the bevel box is still on your bike though.
I had this done on my Airhead Paralever bevel box last year. Posted the box to Sherlocks who did it immediately. Cost was 30 mins workshop time (£12.50 ) plus the cost of the seal, VAT & return postage. May be £25.00 max?

The local dealer was not interested & was unable to confirm he had the correct tools.

I found mine had a slight leak when I went to grease the drive splines.

I had this done on my Airhead Paralever bevel box last year. Posted the box to Sherlocks who did it immediately. Cost was 30 mins workshop time (£12.50 ) plus the cost of the seal, VAT & return postage. May be £25.00 max?

That's just what I did this morning. Guy at motorworks said their man wouldn't touch a bevel box off an 1100 [and later?].

Cost me £18 in postage though.
Steve Pickford said:
I had this done on my Airhead Paralever bevel box last year. Posted the box to Sherlocks who did it immediately. Cost was 30 mins workshop time (£12.50 ) plus the cost of the seal, VAT & return postage. May be £25.00 max?

Just to confirm Steves Sherlocks experience.

Bevel box posted 1430hrs Monday, back on Merseyside 0900hrs Wednesday with a new seal. Cost £25 inc return postage.

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