Worldbeater panniers aka Verns


Toy maker
Jan 3, 2002
Reaction score
A bit south of Chester
I'm in the middle of making the first batch of ten pannier at the moment, and I want to try and keep two or three sets back for people to rent, or just try out for a weekend, before they buy. The thing is, five sets are already reserved, so that only leaves two or three sets left for people to buy. So if you're thinking about it, let me know how big you want them, I can make them for you now, and if you don't buy them, it's no big deal.
The only difference is ALL the metal work, will now be stainless steel, instead of powder coated or nickle plated mild steel. The price remains the same at £600 whatever spec you choose.
verns panniers

I want a set VERN, BUT am still saving my pennies!
The top box (prototype) is sat on my kitchen table, all tacked together, along with a mounting plate, waiting to be wrapped up and sent to Paul f, to play with and see if it's what people (he) wants. So feel free to blame him for any delays. I'll get him to post a piccie when he's stuck it on his bike. Happy now:D
Gadget, no problem, call me when you want some, or even borrow a pair to see if you like them first. You know where I am.
Top Box

Send us a pic then Paul F, soon as you've got it fitted please...



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