Any recomendations for off road schools?


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UKGSer Subscriber
Jul 30, 2008
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Hi Guys,

I have been down to the BMW school twice now, and although I rate it highly I would like to try somewhere else, preferably a little closer to home. Have any of you anywhere you can recommend?
+1 on Geraint Jones, he runs the REME weekend and they've got an excellent bunch of instructors... have a chat with Bonnie if you can find her, she did a day or two with his school in Cheshire and really rated it.

+1 for Adie Smith too, no personal experience with his crew, but bumped into a woman in a bar outside Reading and she also couldnt praise them highly enough

big think with both of these is that they will tend to have smaller bikes available - I understand Adie Smith runs some 125, so great for those who've not passed a test yet
It may sound terribly pretentious, but bear with me....

Have a look at the BMW off road school at Imbabala, near Durban South Africa.

You have the cost of the air fare, but no jet lag. 13+ SAR to £, hot sunshine (remember that?) during our winter, awesome scenery, giraffes and zebra.

It may not be the cheapest way to do it, but I reckon you'd have a week to remember and a lovely holiday.


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what about the little fella out from mondo enduro... you know the welsh bloke softly spoken very straightforward I think he charges about £40 per person for guided riding about wales.

I might drop him a line myself cos giving some hard earned to a regular geezer is better than supporting mega corp in these financially difficult times.:thumb2

I think he's called Paul Mules? I'm not too sure about that.... someone will know brinf your own bike get down to wales and buzz about the welsh hills.


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Not done that, but heared soooooooo many good reports about 'em :thumb



I've been thinking about doing a course and emailed i2imca, within half an hour I got a call back from Tom and had a good chat with him about it. He seems to know what he's on about and was very engaging. I'll be booking with him for sure, especially given that for the combined cost of attending one BM course, I could do all three parts of the i2imca and also have time to recover in between.

I'd recommend any training from i2i. I have done the machine skills courses and the off road for numptys. I'm still inexperienced off road (so perhaps not the best judge) but you do develop an instinct for people who do (or don't) know what they are talking about. I'm attending their track day at Croft on May 28....on tarmac, thank god.
what about the little fella out from mondo enduro... you know the welsh bloke softly spoken very straightforward I think he charges about £40 per person for guided riding about wales.

I might drop him a line myself cos giving some hard earned to a regular geezer is better than supporting mega corp in these financially difficult times.:thumb2

I think he's called Paul Mules? I'm not too sure about that.... someone will know brinf your own bike get down to wales and buzz about the welsh hills.

Hey Lo, can you keep me posted on this one, sounds like a great idea!
will do I've emailled Austin V. to get that chaps phone number again two of my mates are keen to go there as well.

the more the better:thumb2

not sure as both the guys i'm going with a re total novices and I just crash mroe than most... so we might not be up to your standard or skill level:augie
wrong gender

Hmmm (with a deep voice) :augie

"have a chat with Bonnie if you can find her, she did a day or two with his school in Cheshire and really rated it."

Prehaps i should change me stage name (i'm a bloke last time i checked) LO-IQ I have always owned a couple of Triumph Bonnie's untill i decided to travel further than cheshire and swoped them for a gs1150 :D sorry to confuse
A gang of us did Gariant Jones school and we all agreed it was 1st rate and great value.

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