Gps co-ordinates


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Sep 17, 2010
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I have an address in austria in gps co-ordinates but haven't a clue how to input them any ideas thanks.
Apps>Trip Planner>New Trip>Select Start Location.(Where I am now say) >Select>+>Coordinates>Next>Enter Name>Done
I've tried to enter the co-ordinates but it doesn't recognise the format ie it's an austria address but it won't accept it!
I have an address in austria in gps co-ordinates but haven't a clue how to input them any ideas thanks.

Glad you asked I've wondered how to do this for a while also confused about the different formats for co- ordinates,and which to use.

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The gps co-ordinates are N46 57. 221 E13 30. 481 what format do I use to get it to work?
On the coordinates page in the Nav V, you can press the spanner icon to choose the format for coordinates - pick whichever you need.
The gps co-ordinates are N46 57. 221 E13 30. 481 what format do I use to get it to work?

The gps co-ordinates are N46 57. 221 E13 30. 481 what format do I use to get it to work?

If you use decimal degrees (dd.mmm), you can convert it by keeping the DD portion and dividing the MM.MMM by 60 to get the MMM portion of the decimal format.

(N)46.(57.221/60) = 46.95368) : (E)13.(30.481/60) = 13.508016) - Takes you to Malta:)

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