Dr.ABS Brake


if you have encountered problems with the Integral Brake system, VOSA's Vehicle Safety Branch in Bristol would like you to complete a report form. UK Phone 0117 954 3247. It can be emailed to you!


June 2005 Motorcycle Consumer News, p. 6:

Braking news: The United Kingdom's Vehicle and Operator Services Agency is investigating the braking problems associated with BMW's Integral power-boosted brakes. Failures have resulted in crashes and may fall under the terms of the Code of Practice on Motorcycle Safety defects as "a feature of design or construction liable to cause significant risk of personal injury or death." For action under the terms of the Code to be justified, the defect must be clearly established and a number of machines must be affected and sold in the UK. Germany has been investigating similar problems since December, 2004.

Although BMW has denied the problem and claims there's enough "residual braking" power available, even if the servo-booster system fails, it still has "significantly" strengthened the "residual" braking power on its latest Integral brakes.

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