More Ford pics

Urban Rider

Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Windsor, England
so, we set off from the farm and after a short ride, we came to ford number 1....:D

Clive took the first run...

Next up it was Petcul.....

Then it was Brian O who decided to have a go.......:augie

Then it was time for the return run......:D

Going ok......

Uh oh.....:eek:




Nevermind, help was soon on the way and Brian finally made it to the other side....

Next it was my turn.....:D

Almost had a moment at the end......

So we then headed off for lunch and then the search continued for more water to play in.....

Erika got some great pics on the way to the Cat & Fiddle...

So we then found the second ford and Colt decided to check out the depth.....

After this we decided it was way tooooooooo deep and to push on to the next one......
It was a rather nice setting though.........:)

Soon enough the last ford approached and all riders got through.....

Now this is a first.....:eek:

Did I really get this wet.....:eek::D

Dave the Driver avin a go.....:D

All in all a great day was had by everyone.. Huge thanks to Val H for leading the ride and Brian O for bringing up the rear......:thumb
Top pics mate (SAD O) ,:thumb2 enjoyed that day, good friends, good laugh :D

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