
  1. Cali 1100i cold starting problem

    I've had my 1997 Cali 1100i for 16 years - it's well maintained and only covered 13k miles - used only in dry. It has always been a bit unkeen to start if it's not been ridden for a few months despite a battery conditioner but this has got much worse recently - often taking 10 or more attempts...
  2. New clutch grabbing

    Hi, I'm new to the forum - just looking for some expertise from some of the wise heads here. I just got a Siebenrock oil-resistant clutch friction plate fitted and it is grabbing pretty seriously when i pull away from a standing start in first gear, and when I ease away from a slow coast using...
  3. New vario topbox not closing properly

    The topbox on my new bike is difficult to close on the right corner. It seems to need a few attempts, taps or thumps to 'persuade' the lid to close. Is there a technique I'm failing to apply or is this a duff box that needs to go back to the dealer? I haven't encountered this before on the...
  4. Deleted account 190222001

    R1150GS Adventure Clock Reset / Battery Flat?

    Good morning all, having a bit of bother and thought I'd ask the experts before I go ordering a new battery or anything more drastic. Story so far (feel free to skip this bit as it turned into a bit of an episode): Tuesday last week I decided half way through a particularly boring meeting...

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