
  1. Rallye Comparison

    I’m thinking of buying the 2019 GS Rallye and was wondering what are the main differences between the 1250 Rallye TE and the Standard 1250 GS TE. (Obviously apart from the colour 😂) Thanks.
  2. Rallye vs Exclusive

    Hi, Apart from wheels, pegs, and colour, is there are substantial difference between the GS Rallye TE and the Exclusive TE Thanks
  3. Choosing between GSs

    Hi All, I am choosing between 3 GSs and am unsure for which one to go for. The three bikes are: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201807178536719, https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201811242719064 A standard TE ( which has no Autotrader page but is similar mileage to...
  4. 2018 GS Rallye TE with Akrapovic youtube clip (Euro 3)

    Fellow GS Lovers, Here is a quick video for your viewing of my GS Rallye with Akrapovic incase it helps anyone. Its the Euro 3 Akrapovic, not the Euro 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO4bz1g75ng&t=8s Hope this helps someone with decisions :cool: Thanks Yans.
  5. Rallye

    So went to the Vines open day at Newlands Corner. not a bad turn out given how shite the weather was. Have to say, the rallye looks just as bad in the flesh as the pictures. Not sure what they are trying to do with it. Then again it was slightly less hideous than a Green metallic R9T there, but...

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