1200 swing arm help


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Sep 19, 2005
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Can someone tell me if the screw in spindle (left side as you sit on the bike) should come all the way out?

I can undo it till it feels like it's almost out but it won't actually come off the bike. It's still therefore keeping the swinginf arm in and I need to get that out.

Help please!
Swingarm removal

The whole procedure is clearly described in the Haynes Manual; a ......"slide hamer or similar tool" is required to draw out the ...right hand bearing pin. Then you should be able to lift the swing arm assembly off. BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT and really I suggest you get yourself a Haynes Manual (£15 inc. p & p) from Nippy Norman.
Yes, it does come out all the way it's probably the weight of the swing arm holding on to it, rock the swing arm whilst trying to pull it. As per the above post the manual states that the right side should be pulled out using a slide hammer, if you are careful and have a long drift it can be done by drifting out from the left hand side. Very easy job. ( Mind you, i was a mechanic in a previous life)

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