About time too

When have you got your test booked for Aiden ? :augie
it's unbelievable that this was allowed to continue for so many years :eek:

It's Ireland FFS :aidan And anyway, it won't stop on Monday. They'll do a token blitz for a few days & then things will return to normal. You can drive around down here for years without licence, tax & insurance without getting caught. There aren't enough guards & those that there are seem to spend their whole day in court for a prosecution which takes 10 minutes and results in a small fine (for motoring type offences) or the Probation Act (& immediate release) for anything criminal.

We have neither the proper court structure, prison places or political will to change this in the forseeable future.

Just my €0.02 worth.
It's Ireland FFS :aidan And anyway, it won't stop on Monday. They'll do a token blitz for a few days & then things will return to normal. You can drive around down here for years without licence, tax & insurance without getting caught. There aren't enough guards & those that there are seem to spend their whole day in court for a prosecution which takes 10 minutes and results in a small fine (for motoring type offences) or the Probation Act (& immediate release) for anything criminal.

We have neither the proper court structure, prison places or political will to change this in the forseeable future.

Just my €0.02 worth.

Oh ye of little faith :rob :D
Full story here.

Good job too and not before time. :clap:clap

About time to, :clap:clap it's unbelievable that this was allowed to continue for so many years :eek:

Great to see agreement and unanimity in the one household.

It's Ireland FFS :aidan And anyway, it won't stop on Monday. They'll do a token blitz for a few days & then things will return to normal. You can drive around down here for years without licence, tax & insurance without getting caught. There aren't enough guards & those that there are seem to spend their whole day in court for a prosecution which takes 10 minutes and results in a small fine (for motoring type offences) or the Probation Act (& immediate release) for anything criminal.

We have neither the proper court structure, prison places or political will to change this in the forseeable future.

Just my €0.02 worth.

Jockser is right:thumb
There aren't enough guards & those that there are seem to spend their whole day in court for a prosecution which takes 10 minutes and results in a small fine (for motoring type offences) or the Probation Act (& immediate release) for anything criminal.

We have neither the proper court structure, prison places or political will to change this in the forseeable future.

Just my €0.02 worth.

Would you be thinking of making a move into politics; perhaps starting a party. Fine gael were seen as the "law and order" party.
How about the "fine girl you are" party.
Or "why are the Guards hiding (by the side of main roads bagging marginal speeders) party.
I used to fancy the all night party - with advancing years the attraction has faded. Perhaps I too am ready for law and order.
Lead on, we will need a catchy party song - I fought for the lawr cause the lawr is fun - not quiet there yet but you got me thinking. :(
Jockser is right:thumb

D'ya see Mandy :P And that from a greater intellect that I :D

I mean, what person in their right mind would think of giving out full licences without a test in order to reduce the waiting list :blast :spitfire HELLO, could this possibly have a slight bearing on our road safety record in recent times :mcgun And there's no way on earth ALL those fcukwit drivers on our roads are foreigners either so we can stop blaming them. They're mainly home-grown morons who obviously can't read 'cos they have not the slightest knowledge of the rules of the road, know nowt about lane discipline, stopping at red lights, etc, etc. I drive / ride about 60000km p.a. & it never ceases to amaze me watching the antics of some of these 'drivers' - they couldn't drive fcuking nails :spitfire It beggars belief that these dipsh1ts can get themselves dressed in the morning they're so fcukin' dim :mcgun:spitfire

And breath........
Ah, that feels better. Obviously been bottling it up for far too long.
Now where's me keys so I can rejoin the battle :driving:eh:shotim
Any one know where I can buy some rocket launchers for the front of the bike :nenau

GerryC said:
Would you be thinking of making a move into politics

No, bugger off. Life's too short :moped: :D
Does that mean me?:D

No :(

You're still a fcukwit foreigner :D

DVLNI said:
New residents in NI who apply for a provisional licence and pass a test within 12 months of becoming resident, are exempt from the 'R’ Plate rules above. DVLNI will require proof of when you entered Northern Ireland.

Sounds like discrimination to me :nenau

And while we're at it - I've yet to see a single motorcycle down here with either L plates or vest.
Isn't it grand that we've all passed our test :augie

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