Anyone tried the Scala Rider....

Martyn B

Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Feb 5, 2003
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Wilts, England
Teamset? It's a rider to pillion unit being knocked out by M&P (and probably loads of other dealers) at £140. I need a bike independant unit for occasional touring with SWMBO and the wireless option seems ideal.

There's lots of threads on Bluetooth but much of the rider/pillion stuff is 2007 or earlier and the technology (and price) moves on pretty quick in this area.

Any related advice appreciated.:thumb2


:) I've just got one bundled with my Zumo...
so far so good, the intercom works fine up to some reasonable speeds, it connects to the Zumo as does my phone and it works well as a hands free and for the Sat Nav instructions.
quietly impressed so far, I suspect that an Autocom might perform better but for me the 7 hr use is no problem and the lack of wires is a bonus.
Occasionally the Zumo drops the Scala but not often and it's quick to re-link when you ask it to.
intercom wise the only tip would be, to take your time fitting it to the lid as the speaker position is quite critical both in terms of comfort and volume levels...;)
intercom wise the only tip would be, to take your time fitting it to the lid as the speaker position is quite critical both in terms of comfort and volume levels...;)

Thanks guys - Funners, re' the speaker, is that integrated with the mike as a single unit? (i.e., you can't use a seperate earpiece)


Thanks guys - Funners, re' the speaker, is that integrated with the mike as a single unit? (i.e., you can't use a seperate earpiece)


Hold that post - just looked at the pic and it's obviously not one unit.....
Hold that post - just looked at the pic and it's obviously not one unit.....

Mike, Mount and Speakers are all one unit 'not detachable from each other' The speakers are small unobtrusive and seem to be good for the job.

;) as Val says, the base unit is all one, the mic is on a flexi boom and the ear pieces are hard wired together and to it.
they are very slim and comfortable to use but both mine and the mrs helemts have ear cut outs in the lining where they sit, I took the time to assure they were exactly at the ear opening as it made a significant difference to sound quality and volume...
OK, so...

I'll be wanting to switch helmets from time to time (we'll be touring in open faces then switching back to my Arai Tour X when we get back).

Any "once-only" fittings - l assume they attach with Velcro or the like?

Scala rider came with my Tomtom 2 RIDER.

It packed up after a wet ride on the motorway. The whole unit is totally exposed to the elements.

I binned the scala rider and bought myself an autocom kit. Have never looked back, I just cant fault the autocom kit.

Granted its more cost than the scala rider but you gets what you pay for. I have my ipod, phone and gps all connected to it. :thumb2


Scala rider came with my Tomtom 2 RIDER.

It packed up after a wet ride on the motorway. The whole unit is totally exposed to the elements.


Thanks for the advice :thumb2 Mind you, comparing it to the Autocom kit isn't really fair is it? If I was using it everyday, it might be a different matter. but for occasional use? On the other hand, £140 isn't throw-away money I guess!:confused:

I just thought it worth a mention about the water ingress. If I remember rightly scala make no claim about the weatherproofness (is that a real word?)of their unit. In fact I think its mentioned in the packaging about not being waterproof and not subjecting it to wet weather!!! :eek: not sure what your suppose to do then on the motorway when it starts to pee it down.

You could always consider a second hand autocom as there is plenty about and spare headsets are easy to source.

I think if you go the scala route you will end up going autocom eventually, just a thought and you could save some of your hard earned dosh.


Cheers Biker - Just as well it rarely rains in UK then:rolleyes:

Funners/Val H - had any wet weather issues?

Cheers Biker - Just as well it rarely rains in UK then:rolleyes:

Funners/Val H - had any wet weather issues?

it does state quite clearly that it's for light rain/snow only...:aidan
so again unsure what you are supposed to do if it starts throwing it down..
I suspect it's the main unit rather than the helmet part thats the issue and thats a 10 sec job to remove but then you'd have no intercom...:rolleyes:

with regard to "Once only use" stuff...the only thing is a sticky velcro pad for the ear pieces (if you need to use it) the rest is on a simple allan key clamp.
The benefit for me is lack of wires...
the down side is battery power (it hasn't gone flat yet)
lack of total waterproofing
tough call....I'm glad mine came with my Zumo...;)
Autocom - BT - help needed

I have been working for years with the Graytronic Rider to pillion kit and it has done me well. I have recently purchased the Zumo 550 and two new helmets. I transferred the ear pieces and mikes and since then one of my ear piece has stopped working , obviously I damaged it in the transfer. However I am sick of so many wires, so I was interested in the comments on the forum about the blue tooth technology. I am thinking seriously of going for an Autocom system.

What I require is helmet to helmet comms and communication with the Zumo both for navigation and music. Don’t want to talk on the phone at all whilst on the bike. Have been on the Autocom site and am a little unsure / confused as to what to buy.

I don’t mind spending the money. So given my requests and remembering I don’t want too many wires and I don’t want a tank bag full of kit what should I get. I suppose the big question is about BT. Is the BT reliable and if it drops out like some of you are saying does it reconnect or is there a procedure to go through to get it back again and is the quality as good as hard wire.

I would love someone to tell me what parts I require from autocom to satisfy all my needs. Can anyone possibly help.
What I require is helmet to helmet comms and communication with the Zumo both for navigation and music. Don’t want to talk on the phone at all whilst on the bike. Have been on the Autocom site and am a little unsure / confused as to what to buy.

I would love someone to tell me what parts I require from autocom to satisfy all my needs. Can anyone possibly help.
Owl1, you need Autocom kit 200 duo , which will satisfy all the rider-to-pillion intercom functions as it comes with two headsets and does full stereo.
You will also need cable 1314 to route stereo sound and (bike-powered) GPS instructions to the Autocom unit.
Bought it but....

I'm not sure whether it's going to be what I expected.

Admittedly it's been raining too much today to persuade SWMBO out and about, so its down to trying it out indoors but the Vox doesn't seem to cut in unless you scream at it - and there's no adjustment.:nenau

The jury's out until we can try it on the bike but I have to say I'm not optimistic.

Wish us luck and keep an eye on "For Sale or Wanted"?:mmmm

I'm impressed!


Perhaps I was managing my expectations too much but finally got to try the kit out yesterday with SWMBO on board and we were both impressed (not that that takes much :D)

It does what it says on the packet and we got five hours talk time out of it after which it was still going strong when we got home.

We tried it with open face and the vox only cut in at 60 mph + - and not all the time either.

If anyone is interested :sleepI'll post a long term test over 2000 miles at the end of September.:type


Will not fit to helmet

Just received my scala rider solo, not interested in radio, for my GPS and phone.

Looks great but will not fit to my BMW flip helmet :spitfire

Looks like the old Shoei race helmet will have to come out of the cobwebs and hope it fits that!
Just received my scala rider solo, not interested in radio, for my GPS and phone.

Looks great but will not fit to my BMW flip helmet :spitfire

Looks like the old Shoei race helmet will have to come out of the cobwebs and hope it fits that!

I fitted the unit to the chinpiece of my BMW flip front hat, (I removed the helmet draught excluder thing, didn't like that anyway!). Works well, but looks a bit exposed, however there's been no problems with water ingress and it works great...:)
I Fitted it to my Sys 5

Hi There

I managed to fit it to my system 5, by cutting a small section of the plastic rim on the helmet and fitting the extended boom mic.

Regards RB

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