Best place to buy a Schuberth C2?


Registered user
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Fareham, Hants
Feeling pleased with myself late last night after I ordered one of these from Infinity...

...for £259 with free P&P.

Not so happy when I got home today to a phone message saying they don't have them & I must've used on old website link! :blast :thedummy

Any suggestions where I can get one at a reasonable price?

Thanks :thumb2
I bought a red version of the one you want from an eBay trader, Helmet City, last year...think it was a bit more, something like £289 or so. Just checked and they don't have any C2s at the mo - keep looking though, they usually have some on eBay.:thumb2
Just got mine from Helmet City. Ordered and delivered next day. Was a bit big and they picked it up and delivered a new one FOC. Great service and better helmet. Well pleased. There is always somewhere cheaper but they get my vote 100% :beerjug:
Helmet City +3 :thumb

I wanted a quality open face helmet for my trip to Istanbul & Athens next month, so I popped over to Helmet City and bought a Schuberth J1.

Its a bit tucked away but very friendly service and great prices.

BTW I really like the new lid.


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