hi folks after we had been at the raffle draw at dalkeith yesterday we decided tae mak a weekend o it we ran on over tae kelso only to fin it was kelso race day (hotels busy) we then ran oer tae Moffat (dark n pissin o rain by noo {am sure yev o been there} ) first place we tried wis the Buccleuch Arms Hotel. They have a wee sighn on the door bikers welcome.We could not have been made more welcome, offered 15% discount up front cos we were bikers. The room was very well presented and comfortable,the menu is extensive THE FOOD WIS FANTASTIC ,they put us in secure parking locked in an area roon the back the staff were so helpfull it just didna feel like scotland ,the owners are bikers, it goes on ,the brekie spread wis as good as any i have seen even in very seriously expensive places. ive stayed in many dozens of hotels on hol and on biz THIS PLACE IS A GEM .the owners are not from scotland but can see a huge potential for the biker market and are setting out to do it properly . ive nae connection here but i thought it wis worth mentioning his establishment because its the first like it ive come across and really deserves supporting onywae there is good riding roads doon there and i will defo be going back www.buccleucharmshotel.com