British Enduro Championship Muntjac 2009,great film

I might have ajob for him if he's going to anymore of the British series drop me a PM for details.
Hi,billy here

just like to thank everyone for their positive comments

Cheers LOZ for posting it:thumb2
Yes that's right it use to be a two day,but the Diss MCC have lost some of the land, due to t***s riding illegally
Would that be like the t***s that creep over speed limits on the road ?
Obviously the powers that be will stop bikes going on certain roads then LOL !!

Try again .. but this time bring in the 4 x 4 :tosser 's who have been rampaging through the local forest in trucks that are often far from road worthy and sometimes stolen..
It is a BIG issue in the forest area around here ( Thetford ), and I do not mean a magazine for the homeless either ! :D

Yes, there is a tiny faction of riders that 'ride illegally'.. But most of em have been out there in the forest doing the same thing for 25 years or more, and pretty much all of em on road legal bikes !!
Yes, there is a tiny faction of riders that 'ride illegally'.. But most of em have been out there in the forest doing the same thing for 25 years or more, and pretty much all of em on road legal bikes !!

So that makes it all right then? :nenau
Yes it does..
The people who do it have not changed.

The people who :

A) do not actually live here yet know it all are different ( naturally they are all exactly right in their minds, whilst those who are actually, physically, on the scene are completely wrong )

B) the people who have NO idea what they are talking about have got a wider audience ( car driving councillors etc )

C) the people looking for an excuse to make a name for them selves in a very small pond have found they can by using forums

The vast majority who bimble through the forest case less damage than the infestation of muntjacs and even the huge plant that the forestry uses !

Still, I expect everyone on THIS forum behaves impeccably and would never dream of doing anything vaguely illicit so are completely righteous ! LOL !!
I expect everyone is also a member of the HSE forums too :D
You answered my question. In your mind it's ok for people who have been riding illegally in a place for the past 25 years to continue to do so, yet at the same time you condemn other people for doing the same. :blast
Your initial post seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the Diss club losing land use over people riding there when they shouldn't be. This would give the impression that either you, or people you know are the ones who are doing this. Now I don't know what the status of this land is, or the circumstances of the loss of use, but as an outsider it seems to me that you are on the defensive?
but as an outsider it seems to me that you are on the defensive?
That is the whole point..
You passed a snotty off the cuff comment about something you have absolutely NO idea about.. None what so ever..

It is no good trying to deflect away from this by saying that I am condemning others who are doing the same sort of thing..
Others are NOT doing the same sort of thing at all..they are ripping the place apart and their antics are both intrusive and often aggresive..
As to being defensive ?
What the hell do you expect when folk pass comments without any knowledge at all, apart from a tiny bit of info gleaned from somewhere..

Please come live in the area for 40 years or so and understand the place before commenting..
Ahh.. hang on...daft bugger that I am !

You are an MCN reporter and I claim my £5.00
Superb vid - great for 15 yrs.Really enjoyed the soundtarck - Thank you

Jay B

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