Buy a quest or keep my 550?


Most respected and loved member
UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 6, 2005
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Had a garmin quest for several years and it saw sterling service in the UK and Europe in both bike and car.
I then succumed to the aura of the zumo 550 and though it is better than the quest in some ways I seem to have had more mapping issues with the 550 than with the quest.
Seems slower to re-calculate than the quest and only yesterday my wife took the 550 to nottiingham on her monthly shopping trip (:blast) and ended up nearly on the tram lines and then onto a bus-only lane - all due to the slow re-calaculation of the satnav.
Is this a feature of the 550 or just a bad day for it?

By the way, regardless of lack of re-calculating she still managed to spend a fortuine in the victoria shopping centre :eek:
Had a garmin quest for several years and it saw sterling service in the UK and Europe in both bike and car.
I then succumed to the aura of the zumo 550 and though it is better than the quest in some ways I seem to have had more mapping issues with the 550 than with the quest.
Seems slower to re-calculate than the quest and only yesterday my wife took the 550 to nottiingham on her monthly shopping trip (:blast) and ended up nearly on the tram lines and then onto a bus-only lane - all due to the slow re-calaculation of the satnav.
Is this a feature of the 550 or just a bad day for it?

By the way, regardless of lack of re-calculating she still managed to spend a fortuine in the victoria shopping centre :eek:
Save your money, I will exchange you my quest with qpac and car mount plus 100£

You give me the Zumo....:beerjug:
The Zumo calculates new routes much faster then the quest ever did. I suggest you take it for a few rides first. Maybe the unit is not placed too well in the car, or there were a lot of high surrounding buildings making receptions very dificult.

It's not a Zumo thing to have bad reception. It's one of the best ones out there!
I always use an external (internal) aerial when in the car, never a problem with re-calc speeds....

Keep the Zumo...I've had both, no contest unless you want to some fell/hill walking with a GPS

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