Hawes, Sunday 21st Sept.

Mr K

Registered user
Nov 21, 2004
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The North East
I was thinkin' of setting the ol' sat-nag for shortest distance to Hawes...and following it.

Having a beverage, maybe a butty there and heading home, north out of Hawes, over the squiggly roads, popping-out at Hexham ...and thence home...


All the above dependant on weather and hang-over ...

May go have a geez at Metal Man's Trial thingy wot he posted..

And the starting point/time of your pootle is:confused: confused:

The bikes start to leave the Hotel in Pity Me at 09:00......so I thought I would follow thm out and see if I can watch a few sections ......

Sorry for the late reply; Fell asleep after me tea last night and slept through until about 20 minutes ago...


EDIT: The bikes set off from the Inn in Langley Park at 09:00

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