Hi front fender bolt sizes?


Thrower of cats at pigeons
UKGSer Subscriber
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
West Wales'ish
Can anyone tell me what size bolts I need to fit the hi front mudguard to the 100GS please?

IE: length and pitch.

Bike's getting closer to completion now. The rebuilt R100R shock is now here and I'm just off to collect the severely cut down seat, from the local guys that do bike seats etc. Then it's a case of completing the speedo pod mod and fitting the seat, shock and mudguard :thumb2

Then we'll have an R100GS with a seat hight of about two inches off the ground :D.

Once it's back on the road I can get it to a mate with some heavy metal and a welder to do the side stand relocation job.

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To be fair, not all screw sizes are on there, but when I was fitting mine I looked there.

So when do we see some photo's of the Easy Rider GS :toungincheek
Can anyone tell me what size bolts I need to fit the hi front mudguard to the 100GS please?

IE: length and pitch.

Bike's getting closer to completion now. The rebuilt R100R shock is now here and I'm just off to collect the severely cut down seat, from the local guys that do bike seats etc. Then it's a case of completing the speedo pod mod and fitting the seat, shock and mudguard :thumb2

Then we'll have an R100GS with a seat hight of about two inches off the ground :D.

Once it's back on the road I can get it to a mate with some heavy metal and a welder to do the side stand relocation job.


Before you go mad having relocated side stand.
Take a look at Trippys Basic as it's got an easy out side stand that fits in the normal place look easy to copy as well :thumb2

If you can't find pics, ask him to photo it, he's alright really :rob:D
Have it as a favorite :)

To be fair, not all screw sizes are on there, but when I was fitting mine I looked there.

So when do we see some photo's of the Easy Rider GS :toungincheek

More little rider than easy :augie

Jill's going to be riding it, she's only 5'4" so I had to do a bit of research and hunting around for a few bits. We wanted to be able to put everything back to original if she doesn't get on with it. She also wanted the fairing taken off too.

I've been taking photos along the way, so I'll post some later on.

Before you go mad having relocated side stand.
Take a look at Trippys Basic as it's got an easy out side stand that fits in the normal place look easy to copy as well :thumb2

If you can't find pics, ask him to photo it, he's alright really :rob:D


I've seen the mod on Trippy's basic, 'already knew about it infact'. But I want to fit something that is easier for Jill to reach/use and I'm probably going to fit it with a cut out switch too.


Thanks John :thumb2

different subject but what is the speedo mod you are doing?

Jill didn't like the fixed fairing, so I have fitted a conventional round 7" headlight. This meant I needed to fit a different speedo housing, preferably one that would take the original clocks and lights. The housing from the R100R would fit this criteria :thumb2, only I couldn't find one :(

So I took a knife 'and a grinder' to an OE type bought on ebay (all the original parts have been packed in a box so they can be refitted if/when selling the bike on) fitted it to the round light, made some brackets and bolted it on.

Haven't made up my mind if it looks ok or a bit odd, but it'll do the job without having to change the speedo and wiring etc.


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