Hybrid Lithium and AGM Battery for the R1250 GSA (and others)


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UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 19, 2022
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Portsmouth, England
I know many of us have suffered from the starting issues across many of the BMW bikes.

Pukmeister found these new hybrid batteries from Mottobatt (yes you know of them) that can be charged via a normal charger as they are both AGM and Lithium technology giving way more cranking amps (350) than the BMW OEM or the Yuasa high powered battery

I also noticed a part from the massive weight saving and more room you now have in the battery area that the voltage on the bike sits at 12.7v where as my previously brand new Yuas HP battery (and the original OEM one before that) would drop to 12.3/4 volts within seconds of turning the bike on with nothing turned on.

£127 delivered next day
Having fitted mine it seems all my issues are sorted. No more hot starting problem, the bike enthusiastically bursts into life now. No more nuisance warnings from the TFT about the key not in range, the SOS needs a dealer fix, blah blah blah (I bloody hate these stupid messages) and no more calls from the tracker company asking if my bike has just been stolen. I’m very impressed, nay delighted. This is how the bike should always have been, it seems like a great upgrade over the shitty OE battery that is hardly man enough for the job.

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