mine , i think, just doesn't get the mileage. the most i have ever seen is 32 most of the time its in the 20's,(more when i carry heavy loads), when i got the bike the needles were set high for altitude, i changed back to stock setting and syncroed the carbs, valves are great(motor was freshed up about 6k ago) exhaust is a bit sooty but plugs are not. the bike runs great, has power from 1800 low end to2800 then climbs fast to 7k rpms. my rpms are about 4k at 60 mph. most of the mountain driving is in the 55mph range with no load. i weigh 200lb. 6'4" tall
so i am sure if i have overlooked something or not. because trip weight and 25-28 mpg is not good enough especially when my discovery get close to that.
Sooty exhaust...hmmmm maybe running rich.
What's the plugs look like. From the Factory,these bikes are jetted lean,at least here in the States,EPA an all
Plugs will have a titch of whiteness,lean conditions with the stock/factory jetting. Proper plugs should have a tan color (brownish) any black is usually running rich.
Airhead's especially being carburated can and are touchy.
So,check your jetting (slow and main jets),the needle *clip* adjustment from the top,and worn needles will also effect gas mileage,along with proper carb adjustments and balance.
Vaccum leaks around the "black boots" to cylinder heads,even tops of carb's are known to suck vaccum.
Believe it or not,Float height can make an engine run rich or lean.
So,your hands are full,but check all those items.
Bing International here in the States sells a great Carb Book.
Or search around online for diagrams and the like.
Goodluck !