My Fellow Clansmen and GSers

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Deleted account rno

Please take a bow and salute yourselves.

Thanks to your overwhelming generosity, the Sick Kids Hospital, Edinburgh are going to be:


better off in their coffers for toys and other goodies to treat the kids with. That is a truly outstanding amount and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough for helping us raise this fantastic sum.

Please be aware that we actually raised more but all agreed that £100 should rightly go to the Boxertools Appeal for Air Ambulance and monies were also deducted at scource to pay for the band's accomodation and embroidered shirts that were auctioned.

Brilliant stuff :clap :clap :clap

:oonyack :oonyack :oonyack :oonyack :oonyack :oonyack :oonyack :oonyack
Who donated the 23p tight git

Great sum hopefully it will bring a smile tae some of the poor wee souls:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
Are you going to do a BIG CHEQUE thing and had it over with phots and all that? Well done everyone:clap:clap:clap
Have a virtual :beer:on me you have done splendid aul chap,you can now rest for another year:thumb2

Well done Ronnie and all involved in the organisation of the Clans and of course to all the very generous Tossers who make UKGSer events what they are.

Fantastic amount. :thumb2
Well done, loads o hard work behind the scene, Kudos to you all.
Excellent result there Ronno - have yourself another dram as it was the likes of you and the others that made all this happen, its easy for me just to turn up and have a laugh but you guys did all the work:beerjug::beerjug:
make that £2,110.23

Davy Pollock (sorry, I can't think of who Davy is) has stopped his Bank Of Ireland cheque for £20 dated 10/7/08.

TBH I don't know what the payment was for (camping, stickers :nenau) and have no idea why the cheque was stopped. It may be that Davy doesn't either as I've had a similar stoped cheque that turned out to be a bank admin error. :(

I'm not prepared to wait any longer to get the money to the charity so we'll just deduct this £20 from the grand total.

I stress that I'm making no judgement on the reasons for this...
Well done team GOTC

I can't begin to imagine the work and commitment needed to organise something like that and make it so successful!:bow:bow:bow

Well it's been done and dusted for 24 hours so when are you starting on the next one?
I was truly honoured to deputise for Ronno today and go and handover the cheque to Rachel Mckenzie from “Edinburgh Sick Kids”


The staff where overwhelmed with the amount we managed to raise over a weekend.

It seems quite fitting that our gift will go towards

Communications for Sick Kids
Internet...Using the computer is not only second nature to our children these days but it is also part of their education. Even the youngest can play with jigsaws and puzzles and learn while they are having fun. As they get older it features even more in their school life, seeking out information and in their social lives too. It is a vital communication tool for them and their families and presently when children and young people come to the hospital they can only access the Internet in the Drop In Centre.
This year we would like to organise internet access for the patients on all our wards in the hospital, in both the playrooms and also in some of the cubicles and beside some of the beds. This will help to keep them amused and entertained, keep in touch with friends and keep up with schoolwork. It really will make life so much better for them at the hospital.
Of course it is not that simple. We need to be sure that our children are safe and that they are not accessing information which is not appropriate to their age. So we will have to set up a very special intranet, which will build on our existing KIDsnet to which there is currently no external access. It will take time, there will be a lot of work involved and there will be an ongoing cost to ensure that the network is kept safe at all times.
We need to replace all the computers, set up a server, install more ports, purchase software, carry out the installation including the set up of safety features and then we need to fund the on-going costs of the network which will not be inconsiderable.


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