Nav 5 - Map install issue


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Jan 28, 2016
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I'm wondering if anyone can help. Some people will know me from some Zumo contributions that I have made on here. (Zumo 590/595 & Basecmap pdf file). I'm hardly a Zumo novice.

A friend phoned me the other day - having problems installing maps on his Nav 5. Half of the Europe 2025.1 maps had been installed - the North half. The south half was missing. We suspect a memory issue - not enough for the full map in internal storage. Not enough for the remainder on the SD card.
Over the phone, to m friend, in the process of trying to address this - all maps disappeared. I havn't got a clue what had happened, but I've got more chance than my friend of being able to find out.
The problem seems to be that Express reckons that the maps are on the Nav V. Nav V isn't finding them. But Express refuses to install.

Now I repeated this scenario on my Zumo 590. Wiped out all of the map files, gms files, and unl files. On mine, one set of map files was in Garmin/Map. The other files were in .System - these were the gmapprom files.

Once mine were all cleared out, Express was invoked, and it gave the impression that the 2025.10 maps could be re-installed - so it thought that the maps were on the Zumo. But installation went OK.

I have not found out whether then Nav V is actually short of memory. I'm hoping so - becasue that would be an easy fix. But my friend is saying that Express just will not do anything. I'll get my hands on the Nav V on Wednesday. I've never had hands on one, but I believe it is very similar to the Zumo 590 - with BMW tweaks.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has come across an issue like this and if there are any pointers. No need for step by step details - I'm very computer and satnav literate. But anything that might give me a clue as to where else to look, would be most helpful.

Many thanks
A long while ago, there was a problem with Navigator devices only installing the detailed maps for Northern Europe. As, in Garmin’s world, Southern Europe starts somewhere around Calais, lots of people discovered the problem as they rode off the ferry in France. This was fixed by a subsequent software update. Even though this was now at least four or five years ago, I’d start with the software, making sure it is current.

The other possibility is that the SD card (which is needed to take the full map set) is full. I had this problem on my Navigator, using Express via my Mac. Despite removing the card, formatting it back to zero, Express still saw the card as full. I gave up trying to establish why. I simply put a brand new SD card in and all was well.

PS I had a different problem a week or so ago, trying to update the maps on my Garmin device in my motorhome. Despite it having an all but empty 64 GB card in it, it refused to install a map update over the internet. Each time it told me that there was insufficient memory. In its attempt to install the maps, the device (not me) wiped all the detailed maps away. In short, it refused point blank to install the detailed maps, each time saying there was insufficient memory. In the end I simply wiped the device entirely, restoring it back to its factory state and reinstalled the full maps. That worked.
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