No sleep tonight because...

Green Man

Registered user
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
... I'm picking up my brand new GSA TOMORROW! :bounce1:D:bounce1

It's been on order a while and I never thought it would get here etc. Got the next few days booked off to put some miles on it.

Next job will be to go on a spree to get some toys - woo-hoo:clap
good for you :beerjug:

getting mine on Saturday which will be exactly 3 weeks from my test ride and just 2 weeks from placing the order :D
Nothing like the feelings of a new bike...well actually there is but we won't go into that...

Congrats on tomorrow, picked mine up last saturday.........awesome bike, spent two days fitting extras, bliss, now to get 600 mls out the way........:thumb:thumb
Just popped in to say "WOO-HOO!" :bounce1

What a fabulous piece of kit Even better than I remembered from the test ride :bow - and I get to bring take this one home with me.:thumb2

Just off for another spin.
Yes get some photos on here i love the look of a new bike its great...
Nice colours :thumb and the panniers look sooo right on it :beerjug: are the others yours as well?
How many bikes? An R1200GS, R1200GSA, a K1200S, are they all yours?

Lovely looking bike, well they all are, I love the K1200S in black:thumb I'd love a new GSA but can't decide between the two colours, but leaning towards the grey.
have nt you heard of the credit crunch you should be skint like me
but if i was nt i would have one in the garage (i havnt built yet):beerjug:

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