
Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Apr 27, 2006
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Shropshire england
Your all invited (if yer free) to a big Party at the King and Thai on Sunday 30th August. You can camp on the saturday night if you so wish as we have space.
Sunday will include Thai food gallore plus a BBQ, we have two (maybe 3) live bands playing from mid afternoon and not forgetting "lots of drinking"
Its an open event so we will have loads of Local folk(don't worry shep/ATT ELMO isn't invited) If a few wanted to turn up for saturday AM we could arrange a ride out around the stunning countryside we have here in shropshire taking in some of the sights like Ironbridge etc. We could even arrange a Visit/taste at our local micro brewery. Anyone thinking they'd like to come but want to B&B we have some very nice places locally which i'd be happy to sort out.
We're still planning some of the games and frollicks but i can defenatly say it will be a fun party.:thumb
:JB :ChrisKelly :JB :ChrisKelly :JB :ChrisKelly :JB :guitarist:hug :guitarist :JB :ChrisKelly :cool
Oh go on then:D

Put me down for a tent pitch, a gallon of beer and a trough of Suree's finest Thai Curry:thumb
If i'm free, i'll be there :thumb2 I doubt it will be the same without the frost though:augie
Would have liked to attend but it clashes with the Ogri MCC rally at Kemble.
all are welcome

if you can make it great, it will be a blast. if you can't don't worry cos the january frosty frollicks is still on:thumb2
its been long enough for Suree to forget how much hard work it was so she's up fer it:D we should have some awsome music, the food WILL be great and hopefully the weather will be fine so all in all a good weekend is on the cards:oonyack
if you can make it great, it will be a blast. if you can't don't worry cos the january frosty frollicks is still on:thumb2
its been long enough for Suree to forget how much hard work it was so she's up fer it:D we should have some awsome music, the food WILL be great and hopefully the weather will be fine so all in all a good weekend is on the cards:oonyack
:bow:bow:bow:bow chilli weekend it is then:D:D

see what i did there:augie
Count me and stan in.
I might even manage to stay upright for some of it :D
just sorted the bouncy castle

fer the kids yer understand:augie:green gri so come 10pm the big kids can play:bounce1

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