Rear brake very noisy

rear brake

Hi There, if your bike has bmw pads fitted the easiest fix is to change them for after market pads. I tried all the normal fixes e.g coppaslip etc and nothing worked for more than a few days.
Cheers Hovis:thumb
Pads checked for having more than just metal?

Caliper cleaned and anti-squeal goo between the piston and brake pad?

Brake disc checked that it's not too thin or damaged?

Brake caliper fitted correctly?
Pads checked for having more than just metal?

Yep, that'd be the likely candidate as I found out on my way to the Salisbury plains ride :blast:blast:blast

Pads don't last long, especially if you go off road and thrash around the Alps for a couple of weeks:blast:blast:blast:blast

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